Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays.Fundamental forces and their properties.If we plot the amount of radioactive nuclei which have not yet decayed with time, the resulting curve is called the decay curve and can be shown as the following.The radioactive half-life of a substance is the time it takes for half of its radioactive nuclei to decay.The activity of radioactive decay can be shown by half-lives.The daughter nucleus is energetically unstable.The product nucleus from a radioactive decay is called a daughter nucleus. Radioactive decay refers to the spontaneous random process by which particles or electromagnetic radiation is emitted from an unstable nucleus.The amount of energy absorbed or released can be calculated by the difference in energy (eV) between the two energy levels. Likewise, light is absorbed when the electrons within an atom jump from one atomic energy level to a higher energy level. When the electrons within an atom jump from one atomic energy level to a lower energy level, energy is released in the form of light. The existence of discrete energy levels called atomic energy levels can be supported by the emission spectra and the absorption spectra of atoms.These frequencies appear as spectral lines in the emission and absorption spectra. Therefore, only photons with frequencies which correspond to the differences between the atomic energy levels can be absorbed or released by an atom. The energy of a photon is dependent on its frequency.The amount of energy absorbed or released is equal to the difference between the discrete atomic energy levels and is also quantized. As an electron makes a jump from one energy level to another, energy is absorbed or released in the form of a photon.The electrons of an atom can occupy certain discrete atomic energy levels.Discrete energy and discrete energy levels.